Monday, June 20, 2011

Meet YamaSavini...

This is Yari, aka. Yama Savin.
He hates grades.
He dreams of a day when grades don't matter everywhere in the world.
You see, in Europe, not only is school free, but there's no such thing as a GPA.
Can you imagine? A place where people aren't just regulated to being a number? Where students free to actually learn because they don't have to worry about whether they're failing a class?
Mind-shattering concept, I know.

Anyway, Yari/Yama has some interesting ideas about how to go about sharing him anarchistic anti-grading message.

Taking the info found on this site, he's thinking about making a series of GIFs to tell the world of the evils of grade over-emphasis. (one way he's thought of doing this is via simple iPhone screen caps, possibly made into gifs... see below-)

... frankly, I think if he made the image in the background contrast against the message, it would be a lot more interesting (eg. "GO AMERICA! USA!!!" and the background image is some fat person out font of Walmart)


  1. what is fundamental human right? do those right globaly? who do we consider humans? shall we turn to philosophers to answer those questions or shall we use principals of democracy to answer those questions?! is democracy and human right contradict with each other? why we still have a question about human right? whose fault is that? you doing great project, your ideas diserve attention

  2. It will never happen.
    Unless humanity dissolves regional governments and creates a single unified rule, that dream of "global fundamental human rights under democracy" will never be fully realized.
    People are just too greedy.

    (my opinion... but then, I'm quite the pessimistic misanthropist)
