This Google+ thing has got me quite intrigued.
I think this web comic sums it up nicely.
It certainly has all the nerds and geeks of the interwebs all a buzz.
To be honest, I'm not amoured with any social networking sites at the moment.
-Twitter I don't see the point of if I'm not interested in attracting "followers" (it's like a really REALLY bad/cut back/restricted version of the status update function you find at other social networking services... only, that's the only thing you can do).
-Facebook I hardly consider perfect (infact, there are quite a lot of things I don't like about it. *shrug* It's good enough until someone comes along with something better). I use only the thing because it's a necessary evil (if everyone else you know is using it, you go with the digital herd or you get left dehind to die).
-Twitter I don't see the point of if I'm not interested in attracting "followers" (it's like a really REALLY bad/cut back/restricted version of the status update function you find at other social networking services... only, that's the only thing you can do).
-Facebook I hardly consider perfect (infact, there are quite a lot of things I don't like about it. *shrug* It's good enough until someone comes along with something better). I use only the thing because it's a necessary evil (if everyone else you know is using it, you go with the digital herd or you get left dehind to die).
-MySpace (speaking of being left behind to die), I've never used because I've always considered it a joke (reserved for bands and emo kids).
-Plurk/LiveJournal/Tumblr/et all, I never even considered because, well, why even bother.
Basically, to me, the reason anyone would join a social network is because you want to keep up with your friends (so if everyone you know is using _____, you use _____ too).
So why then am I so interested in this new Google venture?
By my reasoning above, I shouldn't have much interest in it, as no one I know is currently using it.
By my reasoning above, I shouldn't have much interest in it, as no one I know is currently using it.
I think it's a mix of reasons.
Absolute Customized privacy: Now here's a good one. No more having to create multiple profiles (one for your family, and one so they can't see what you REALLY get up to). The closest thing to offer something live that before was LiveJournal, with their "friends groups". This is going to appeal to a lot of people.
Circles: Like internet clubs, cliques, and communities all rolled into one. Facebook tried its hand at this, but the execution was too unwieldy. Here's hoping the guys at Google were able to take that function and streamline it.
The fact that it's Google: This one's probably just me, but I've never really had a problem with the company. Most of my accounts have been through them anyway, so I figure this would only be the natural progression. *shrug* "Why not, they've already got everything else of mine anyway..."
I don't know. Maybe all this hype will be the death of the thing when it can't measure up to everyone's expectations.
Only time will tell whether this will be the next Facebook... or Friendster.
[edit: for a direct Google+ head-to-head comparison with FaceBook, check out this article]-
[edit: for a direct Google+ head-to-head comparison with FaceBook, check out this article]-
All I know is, the first service to have embedded images/video in comments, I'm sold for life.
ReplyDeleteExcellent blog post KM. I remember the excitement for both google buzz and wave. But I was never able to figure out what to do with either.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your summary of your mix of reasons for being interested in the google + thing.
For me, I think I'm most interested in multiple user video conferencing. If they can provide that reliably and for free, they will attract a crowd.
As for video/image embedded comments, is that really a killer feature for you? Care to explain? I'd never even imagined it.
what I want more freedom to customize my page. What I liked about myspace was how one could alter the layout of the page. Facebook does not really have this and it was a little bit of a let down to me.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if google+ will offer any customizable features to the layout?
very nice blog post. so far I have kind of been ignoring the Google+ hype, so I have not yet really explored its features. But like you said in your post, a social network can only work if everyone....or at least your friends are using it. In Germany we have StudiVZ, which is similar to facebook, so all my German friends are on it. This used to really annoy me because I had to post the same stuff twice, once for Germany once for the rest of the world. so I bugged everyone to finally join facebook. Now pretty much everyone I know is on facebook and it works out great.
ReplyDeleteI dont know how effective Google+ is because to me it seems that there is nothing entirely new or innovative. As Otto said, the video conferencing might be a nice addition, however I dont know how important this will be to people, especially with Skype or ichat out there.
go google!
ReplyDelete@Lixi: Yes, there ISN'T really very much in the way of new features for this thing, but they ARE improving upon features that the other services seem to refused to fix (all of Facebooks flaws seem like they are going to boons to Google+).
ReplyDelete@Fredrick: No concrete word as to what degree of ascetic customization Google+ will have, but like you said, anything will be an improvement on Facebook... however, it's interesting, in that one of the factor often cited in MySpace's demise was the fact that people would go overboard with the customization, often turning their pages into garbage dumps of crappy images and obnoxious music that would start playing as soon as the page loaded (annoying as hell if you're browsing the web in a public place and don't have your speakers on mute).
@ Otto: It's interesting that this is not the first time Google has tried its hand at FB-style social networking, but for some reason this one looks like it might have generated the right kind of "buzz" this time. I wonder what the difference is?
In regards to my interest in embedded images/video in comments, I guess it all comes back to 4chan (on image boards, it's customary to include a relevant image to accompany any comments made in a thread, to help back up your words. Sometimes the image itself is enough, and no text is required to prove a point. The major problems in regards to using this in social networking situations is, if anyone can upload an image in any thread all over the site, trying to police image content will be nigh unto impossible. That and the bandwidth for the site would go through the roof! (4chan get around both of these problems by clearing out the content of their servers every hour).)
As unlikely as it is, one can dream of a day when one can win an internet argument by posting a picture of a cat...